Unveiling the Controversies Surrounding Motivational Speaker Vivek Bindra

  1. Assault allegations by his wife  

On December 6, 2023, Vivek Bindra entered matrimony with Yanika, but shortly thereafter, a police complaint emerged accusing Bindra of assaulting his wife. The charges encompass assault, intentional insult, property damage, and causing severe harm under sections 323, 504, 427, and 325, respectively. According to the complaint filed by Bindra's brother-in-law, Vaibhav, the altercation began with a dispute between Bindra and his mother. When Yanika intervened, a physical altercation ensued between Vivek and Yanika, leading to a distressing situation where Bindra allegedly confined Yanika to a room, subjecting her to both physical and verbal abuse, resulting in injuries. Reports indicate that Yanika Bindra is currently hospitalized in Delhi and undergoing treatment.


  2. Controversy between Sandeep Maheshwari and Vivek Bindra  

Bindra found himself in a conflict with fellow motivational speaker Sandeep Maheshwari, who accused him of exploiting Maheshwari's followers. The allegations centered around Bindra offering an expensive course and engaging followers in a government-disapproved pyramid scheme for its promotion. Sandeep Maheshwari went public with these accusations in a video titled "Big Scam Exposed," where Bindra was labeled a "scammer." In the video, students shared their experiences, alleging that they were charged exorbitant fees for a course that turned out to be non-existent.


  3. The Morbi Controversy  

Bindra drew criticism for publicly disparaging the quality of tiles manufactured by a company following an industrial visit. The president of Morbi Ceramic Association expressed dissatisfaction, asserting that Bindra should have gained a comprehensive understanding of the subject before tarnishing the company's reputation on social media.


  4. Sikh Community Controversy  

In June 2022, Bindra faced backlash from the Sikh community for the purported misrepresentation of Guru Gobind Singh in one of his videos. Various Sikh organizations, including the Jathedar of Sri Akal Takht Sahib, filed complaints globally. Responding to a legal notice from the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC), Bindra issued an apology and took down the video from his platforms.

  5. IMA Defamation Controversy  

Bindra encountered legal challenges from the Indian Medical Association (IMA) due to a video in which he criticized doctors, alleging unethical practices. Despite receiving a defamation notice for labeling doctors as "murderers in white coats," Bindra defended his stance in court, invoking the right to freedom of expression. Ultimately, he emerged victorious in the case.


Source TOI

Last updated on -Dec 24, 2023, 13:21 IST

News Gossip Style Team

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