India Calls in Maldives Diplomat Following Dispute Over Comments Targeting PM Modi

The dispute erupted when several Maldivian ministers posted derogatory comments criticizing India and PM Modi for sharing pictures from his Lakshadweep visit.,algorithm=dnn,width=650,height=400 

New Delhi:

India has called in the Maldives envoy in response to derogatory remarks made by three ministers from the island nation against Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

A Maldivian lawmaker criticized PM Modi following his visit to Lakshadweep, suggesting that New Delhi is attempting to promote the Union Territory as an alternative tourist destination to the Maldives. Two other Maldivian ministers also shared disparaging comments along with photos of PM Modi from Lakshadweep.

These statements sparked widespread outrage within the Maldives, with several prominent leaders condemning the remarks against the nation's "closest neighbour." Former Maldives president Mohamed Nasheed labeled the remarks as "appalling" and urged President Mohamed Muizzu's government to distance itself from these comments. 

The Maldivian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the government is cognizant of "derogatory remarks" circulating on social media platforms regarding foreign leaders, emphasizing that such personal views do not reflect the official position of the government.

"The Maldivian government acknowledges the existence of derogatory remarks on social media platforms directed at foreign leaders and prominent individuals. It is emphasized that these expressions are of a personal nature and do not align with the official stance of the Maldivian government," stated the Maldivian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a Sunday release.

Following claims by numerous Indians on social media that they had canceled their planned vacations to the archipelago comprising over a hundred islands adorned with luxury resorts, the trio of ministers, Maryam Shiuna, Malsha Shareef, and Mahzoom Majid, were suspended.

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Source: NDTV

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